January 21 , 2016
2:46:00 PMMe, who just recreate my account "hot or not $" My profile is ranked the most loved and chosen the week.
Similarly, I returned to "Tinder". And I think it's not bad. It is class .
There's a giant monster who lives with us in high school. ( a student ) .
He who is 1.90 m with a girl of 1.02 m, it's a good match.
If you're desperate and you want to look a little more beautiful, you just have to come and take 30 pictures with him, and it would make you comfort for a few months.
As they say, that has nothing to fuck with the appearance, he must delve into the study.
This is the case even for this giant monster.
From what I see quotidienement, I think this creature is working 24 hours 24.
Still, the results are quite remarkable and distinctive.
He thinks I'm a moron. But it's still considerations that remains in his head.
I do not expect someone to describe me. I know myself.
The cons gossip about my notes forgetting their disaster.
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